Registering a Trademark for your business

Trademark Registration in Cyprus, the EU and beyond: Investing in your brand – protecting your business identity

Trademarks are valuable business assets that can help establish your brand and protect your reputation in the marketplace.

What can I register as a trademark and where?

A trademark is a type of intellectual property that is used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of a particular business from those provided by others.

Trademarks are most often registered in the form of a distinctive word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of all the above associated with the sale of goods or the provision of services by your business. Product or business logos comprising figurative elements such as shapes or symbols as well as text elements such as the name of the product or business are just about the commonest example of intellectual property registered as a trademark.  
Depending on your business needs and plans, area of expertise, the uniqueness of your brand identity and the geographical reach of your business, both actual and planned, you may want to invest in any or all of the following:
  • a word mark
  • a figurative mark
  • a combined mark with text and visual elements
  • a national (Cyprus) trademark
  • an EU Trademark (EUTM)
  • an international trademark
    If you do or plan to do business in multiple countries within the EU, an EU Trademark may be a better choice, providing more comprehensive protection. However, if you only need protection in Cyprus, a national trademark may be more cost-effective.

    Whether you are already in the market or just now setting up your business, ordering an assessment of the "registrability" of your existing or planned logo, name or slogan ahead of applying for a trademark will generally be a worthwhile endeavour saving you time and expense by ensuring you have the appropriate intellectual property protection strategy to match your objective and, more importantly, by helping you identify, neutralize or navigate potential barriers to registration in the form of similar existing trademarks.  

    Our intellectual property lawyers stand ready to provide guidance and advice on the legal particularities and business value of each option based on your particular circumstances and use case. 

    Why does my business need a trademark?

    Apart from driving brand recognition and building customer loyalty, trademarks play an important role in marketing and advertising. By creating a distinctive trademark and building a strong reputation around it, businesses can attract and retain customers and differentiate themselves from competitors.

    Trademarks are valuable business assets that can help establish your brand and protect your reputation in the marketplace. Registering a trademark provides several benefits and protections for your brand.
    Here are 3 key reasons why you might want to consider registering a trademark for your business:

    1. Legal Protection: Registering a trademark gives you exclusive legal rights to use your trademark in connection with the goods or services you offer. This means that you can prevent others from using a similar mark that could cause confusion among consumers. If someone does use your mark without permission, you can take legal action against them.

    2. Brand Recognition: Registering a trademark helps to build brand recognition and customer loyalty. A strong trademark can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace and create a positive association with your products or services. If you plan to expand your business globally, registering your trademark can help you protect your brand in foreign markets, whether in the EU or in third countries.

    3. Increased Business Value: A registered trademark can increase the value of your business. If you ever decide to sell your business, your trademark will be an important asset that adds value to the sale. 

    How we can help

    Registering a trademark can be a complex process and requires careful consideration of the legal requirements and potential risks.

    Pericleous Michail LLC has extensive experience in registering trademarks, pursuing infringement cases and advising on brand strategy. We have helped businesses ranging from cloud technology service providers, international cybersecurity providers, video game developers, local wineries and online retailers with their trademark and broader IP-related needs.

    Our experienced practitioners are ready to help you explore and assess your trademark registration options either in Cyprus, the EU or internationally, guide you through the registration process and, most importantly, protect your business’s brand identity. 

    Reach out to our intellectual property law experts

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